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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 7, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PST

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which are on december 8th. that's it for "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. have a great afternoon. "cnn newsroom" starts right now. right now the pressure's growing to delay a key part of obama care and some of the pressure actually coming from anxious democrats. we'll get the latest reaction from the white house, stand by. right now, on the floor of the new york stock exchange, twitter is making its public debut and the shares, so far, they are soaring. also right now, the family of kendrick johnson speaking out. he's that georgia teenager found dead inside a rolled up gym mat at his high school. now new school surveillance video that's just been released. hello, i'm wolf blitzer, reporting from washington. we begin with a major decision by the fda, a decision that
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could lead to dramatic changes in the food we eat every day. today the agency said, artificial trans fats are no longer, quote, generally recognized as safe. and it announced it's taking steps to eliminate them from the u.s. food supply. foods with trans fat include, french fries, frozen pizzas, cookies, microwave popcorn, just to name a few. the fda says, banning trans fats would save thousands of lives every single year. joining us now from the cnn center, chief medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen. why is the fda taking this action now? >> a lot of people are asking, why didn't they take this action a long time ago? it's been about ten years since consumer advocates petitioned the fda to get these trans fats out of foods. well, ten years later, they're finally doing it. they say if they do take this action -- today's the first step -- if this action does continue, they say they could
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prevent 20,000 heart attacks a year in the united states and 7,000 deaths. and that's why people have been urging the fda to take this step for so long. now, as you noted, trans fats are in some of the foods that you just mentioned, some cookies have them, some cookies don't, some pizzas have them, some pizazz don't. also in some restaurant foods but a lot of restaurants took trans fats out of foods when places like new york city said we don't want them here. >> one of the dangers of trans fat, how exactly does that work? >> right. so trans fats come from partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and do two bad things. drive bad cholesterol up and good cholesterol down. that's a very bad double whammy. nothing healthy about trans fats. other fats have advantages but there's nothing good about these fats and should get out of our diet altogether. >> will the food taste the same without trans fats? >> you know, wolf, we can probably all answer these
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questions ourselves, because since the early 90s the number of food products that have trans fats has gone down dramatically by 75%. so i mean, i know i eat plenty of foods that taste perfectly good, cookies and cakes that taste good without trans fat. do they taste exactly the same, maybe not. but they do taste good. >> joining us here in washington, right now, dan glickman, former agriculture secretary during the clinton administration, senior fellow at bipartisan policy center and specialist on food at the as spend institute in washington. you were the agriculture secretary for eight years, right? were you considering doing it then or is there's a relatively recent fphenomenon. >> in the last ten years it's more recent. we've concerned about health care costs, people with chronic diseases and the role food can play in health. the science is much more clearer than it was 10, 15, 20 years
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ago, trans fats which are regular oils that are -- they put hydrogen in them to make them cook easier, it's -- i don't think it's a taste issue, it was cheaper for the food companies to do this over the years. but now most of the science says we ought to get it out of the food supply. this is a good thing the fda's doing. >> how does it work? fda will take initial steps to eliminate trans fat. how long does the process take, assuming it goes smoothly? >> it shouldn't -- should take less than a year. several months at the longest. you know there may be some particular industries that are affected by this more than others, as a way how they cook their foods. >> frozen foods? >> maybe. the vast majority of fast food companieses that taken this out of their food a long time ago. consumers ought to be alert into the labels they read, people with heart disease or cholesterol problems. it's hoped within the year it will be done. >> will it make food more
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expensive in the united states for consumers it shouldn't. the fast food companies, they've take continue out, most of them, for a while and most of the major food companies have already take continue out. people who look at labels, they'll see whether it contains trans fats or not. it hasn't had an impact on food prices. >> in 60 days, those comment period when people complain or support it do you expect vocal opposition to the decision? >> there may be a few industries. >> like what. >> i don't know. i mean maybe a few industries during the cooking or baking business that use these nexts to help bake products faster. this is not a plmajor problem f the food industry. >> what about food we import around the world? how will that impact that? i'm sure there's a lot of trans fat in products we bring into the u.s. >> i don't know how much baked goods there are. this is foods involved in the baking process. the they'll be subject to the same rules. this is a good place where health and food come together.
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it's important for food policy not only produce food but do it nutritionally for people. >> dan glickman, you support this idea? >> i do. >> former agriculture secretary. democrats are increasingly nervous about all of the problems with the affordable care act. obama care as it's called. they're adding to pressure to delay a key part of the health care law. reaction from the white house when we come back. we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness if you qualify, and new car replacement, standard with our auto policies. so call liberty mutual at... today.
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nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. the latest on obama care. the administration under growing pressure now to delay the deadline for people to get ensured or get fined and some pressure coming from anxious democrats.
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the obama administration is scrambling to fix problems with the rollout of the health cak e website. >> reporter: terry mcauliffe won by less than expected as his republican opponent really hammered on obama care in the final weeks of the election. democrats are incredibly concerned. 15 democratic senators who are up for re-election next year came to the white house yesterday to meet with president obama to discuss their concerns. we understand they raised issues about the security of obama care and, something we have heard republicans raise as well. and mark udall, senator from colorado, urged the president, we heard from his office, to delay that march 31st deadline for signing up to get insurance. so far, though, no indication that the administration is
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really considering doing that, talking to sources here, they think that if the website is up and running pretty well by the end of november 30th, that that gives americans plenty of time to sign up and they really are not willing to talk about entertaining delays until then. there's also this other outstanding issue of a subpoena that has come from the republican side of the house, waynes and means committee, the tax writing committee on capitol hill. the chairman wants the obama administration give them enrollment numbers by tomorrow instead of wait wag we expect a week or so mid month that the obama administration has said they will release those numbers. it doesn't appear that the obama administration is going to comply with that subpoena. so that is significant. the obama administration, talking to sources here, indicating that the numbers,
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those enrollment numbers, are very much in disarray, have been in disarray, because the website has suffered these problems and it's clear the administration wants to take the time to get them to the point where they are as accurate as possible. wolf? >> brianna, thank you. brianna keilar at the white house. lots going on there. coming up later this afternoon on cnn, brooke baldwin will anchor a special report on the topic that impacts so many americans but still has a stigma attached to it exposed, mental health in america, air at 3:00 p.m. eastern later today. you'll want to stick around and see that. the new jersey governor, chris christie, riding high after his landslide re-election win. the buzz about a possible presidential run getting a bit louder. but does he risk being overexposed? i'll talk about that and more with the white house correspondent for "time" magazine, new cover story out on chris christie. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer.
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and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? i put in the hourswhere i am today by luck. and built a strong reputation in the industry. i set goals and worked hard to meet them. i've made my success happen. so when it comes to my investments, i'm supposed to just hand it over to a broker and back away? that's not gonna happen. avo: when you work with a schwab financial consultant, you'll get the guidance you need with the control you want. talk to us today.
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the political buzz surrounding chris christie getting cloud somewhere louder after his landslide re-election this week. the buzz about the new jersey governor as a possible presidential candidate in 2016. christie now, once gone on the cov or of the latest issue of "time" magazine. the headline, take a look at it, the elephant in the room. the cover story looks at what a christie presidential bid would mean for the republican party and a lot more. "time" magazine's white house correspondent michael scherrer wrote the article, here in the studio with us. thanks for joining us.
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elephant in the room. is that also imply that he's a big guy? >> he's a big guy and it's not just about his physical size. it's about his political ability. the story i wrote which is inside the magazine, "born to run" a springsteen reference about how this entire re-election effort in new jersey, never in doubt, has been a dress rehearsal for what he's not yet formally committed to but aides are working towards a presidential run. it's about a character story. he's telling a story about his attitude, his approach, the way he handles himself and making the case that's exactly what the republican party need and the country needs. >> what you see is what you get. he's a tough guy and shows off. you write this in the article, a work horse with a temper and a tongue and a big heart. he's a guy who loves his mother and gets it done. what does it matter he regularly calls his opponents idiots or jerks? that plays well in new jersey. a landslide reelections there.
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how is it going to play in iowa, south carolina, florida republican primary? >> so, it will be more difficult. but what his case is, the thesis of his presidential run, which is not yet formally declared, that is what the republican party needs now is someone who can do stuff and win, not an ideologue. what christie calls college professors. the republican party taken over by college professors who have ideas instead of those who can win. when he gets to iowa and fle say you're not perfect on guns, you changed on abortion years ago, i'm concerned about tolls you increased and tax rebates you decreased, he's going say, this who is i am, i'm the guy who can get elected, you need me. it's a tough guy persona. i think, in this party right now, as a brand they're polling below 1 in 4. 24% of the country liked the republican brand. it has some appeal, i think. >> he's really highly visible
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right now. he wants, if he's on the sunday talk shows this weekend, you know, is he -- does he have a risk of being overexposed? >> i think he'll go away for a while. this was a big coming out party. they designs the election, designed his election night speech as to sent a message to washington, fund-raisers a whole. we're three years out. it's a long, long way before we get to iowa. the thing that is worst saying, he's about to take over the republican governors association which is a perfect platform for him to go to the swing states under the cover of another purpose, raise money, meet people. >> a question in a republican contest, for the nomination, how would he do in a place like iowa or new hampshire, south carolina, the early contests, against the rand paul or marco rubio or a ted cruz? you know, most of whom the tea party supporters, a key base of the republican party, they love those guys. >> yeah, and he's not going to
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get a lot of the votes but his advisers doesn't think it will keep him from the nomination. john mccain had that problem, mitt romney had that problem. romney edged out or tied rick santorum. he needs 20%, 25% to get out he doesn't need to win the whole state. >> the cover story, put it up one more time, take a look at the cover of "time" magazine. can we get it up there? i think we can. the elephant in the room. there it is. there it is. the elephant in the room. i wonder if he's going to like or not like that headline on the cover of "time" magazine. we'll find out. he's going to be on a lot of tv shows in coming days. unmanned aircraft and passenger plains co-existing in u.s. airspace. faa launching an effort to make that a reality. we're going to tell you what's behind the push. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage.
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senior white house correspondent jim acosta had a serious exchange on obama care with the white house press secretary, jay carney. i want to play it for you right now. >> i wanted to ask you about the president's comments last night in dallas. he said we anticipate, use the word anticipate by november 30th, that the website will be able to work as it was supposed to. just sounds like there's a little bit of wiggle room there using the word anticipate. can you say what the consequences would be for cms, hhs, people inside the white house if that website is not working the way it's supposed to by november 30th? >> i can tell you that the objective here has not changed. our position has not changed. it's still that the website and its problems are being addressed by a team of experts and that that work is continuing around the clock every day and that by
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the end of the month we expect the site to be functioning at the standards necessary for the vast majority of the american people and that's what we've said from the beginning. i wouldn't read anything into that. except to say that this is obviously challenging work because the problems are many and we've acknowledged that and the president's made clear that that circumstance is unacceptable to him, which is why he's demanded that all of the action be taken that's being taken. so, the work continues. again, we expect the website to be functioning effectively for the vast majority of users by the end of the month. >> and what is the plan b if that doesn't happen? if the website's not working, are there deliberations under way right now inside the administration to perhaps extend the enrollment deadlines, all of the various things that you've been asked about in the
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briefings. >> sure. >> is there a plan b? >> jim i would say right now the tech experts who can answer this question better than anyone else, in terms of what fixes need to be made and on what schedule they can be made, believe that this can be done by the end of the month so the website is functioning effectively for the vast majority of users. that has never meant that there would be zero problems with the site, as is the case with almost any complicated and complex site, both private and public that exists. but it has to be functioning effectively for the vast majority of users. it's an important portal through which the american people who are interested in applying for coverage or at least finding out options, that it's an important portal for them to use. there are, as we know and we've discussed other ways to get the information and they can window
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shop already on the website. but we're at work trying to make it better every day and it is getting better every day. but we're not there yet. i think secretary sebelius made clear yesterday that we're not there and i know anecdotally you see proof of that, that the site is not firing effectively on all pistons, if you will, yet. but it needs to be and that's why the work is so important. you know, when it comes to the question of extending, we, as i pointed out yesterday, and i i think secretary sebelius did, too we're fairly early in six-month open enrollment period. if the site's working effectively as expected, that there is time to make sure that the people who are interested in enrolling in these options for coverage to the marketplaces will be able to do so to get insurance january 1st and the
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enrollment period itself lasts through the end of march. >> if you don't get it done by november 30th, there becomes a very short window of opportunity for people to sign up for insurance so they have coverage starting january 1st. >> your understanding of the calendar is mine as well. i'm saying it is our position that the work is being done and it will -- no, but it will be completed which is not to take away from the challenges that it represents. but we believe we have the teams in place necessary to do the work and that that work will continue to progress and make improvements to the site. there are, i think, anybody who monitors this closely can say that the improvements that have been achieved are noticeable but we're not there yet. >> so there he is, jay carney, white house press secretary, an important exchange with our senior white house correspondent jim acosta, promising by the end of the month, for the vast majority of americans going to
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the website, they'll be able to deal with it. unclear what that means vast majority. we'll do checking to see if that's 60%, 80%, 90%, vast majority is not necessarily 100%, ready by the end of the month. we'll check that out for you, get more information on that as it comes in. other news we're following -- imagine looking out of the window of an airplane and seeing an unmanned aircraft flying off in the distance. everyone knows that day will eventually get here. and the faa has the task of making sure manned and unmanned aircraft safely co-exist. the agency took another step in that direction. rene marsh is here to tell us what the faa is up to. you got a little toy there. >> we can't talk about unmanned aircraft without having one here on set. this is one. this is what we're talking about, the agency which is responsible for keeping skies safe while they release new details outlining what needs to be done to safely open up skies
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to unmanned aircraft systems sometimes called drones. bottom line is they have to figure out how to integrate these unmanned aircrafts with aircrafts already in the sky. why? because in the upcoming years, the drone industry is expected to grow and congress has told the faa to prepare for a boom by developing procedures and regulations. the faa estimates that in the next five years there will be some 7500 drones hovering above for uses like aerial photography, monitoring critical infrastructure structure like power facilities, ports and pipelines, as well as communications and broadcasts for example during sporting events, even companies delivering their products. so here's what the faa says they will do to prepare for all of that. they'll develop minimum standards for sense and avoid. the unmanned aircraft needs sensors and technology to enable it collision in the air.
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separation standards, minimum distance it has to be from another aircraft. design standards, they will also be looking at to determining what kind of training will be necessary for unmanned aircraft operators. so, just like airplane pilots would have standards for training, these operators of these drones would need the same thing. finally, wolf, they would consider the privacy security and environmental impact of all of this. >> what's the current policy right now, as far as airspace and the unmanned aircraft? where are they allowed to fly? >> there are limitations now. we do have a scenario in which law enforcement border security, military and scientific researchers, as well as university research, they have the green light from the faa for using drones domestically. again the industry's poised to grow beyond that. of course privacy advocates are
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concerns. senator markey from massachusetts introduced legislation to ensure that privacy is protected if and when this all starts to take off. >> what's the reason, major reason, behind this push for integrati integration? >> they look at these things as the next phase of flight. talking about innovation here. and so that also means revenue. if you think about it for a company itching to use a so-called drone, they may argue that they'll be able to deliver goods to customers like yourself a lot cheaper than delivering it using maybe, you know, delivery person and doing it by ground. of course think about fuel. for them and for many companies it's all about the economics, the bottom line. >> whole any world potentially out there, drones or unmanned air craft. this could fly if it had the batteries. >> yes. it f. it had the batteries it would be hovering like us just like this. >> good work. a new report today that's shedding more light on how
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personal date taps collects by the government as part of counterterrorism intelligence gathering operation. "the new york times" says cia paying at&t more than $10 million a year for access to phone records. our justice reporter is following the story for us. are we talking about calls overseas or here in the united states? >> no, wolf, this is -- these are calls -- foreign calls, foreign phone numbers, calling other foreign phone numbers. and the cia is looking for terrorism suspects, for instance, to find out who else they're calling. now, there are some instances where these foreigners are calling numbers inside the united states. when that comes up in one the queries to the at&t database, at&t returns the phone number partially masked because under the rules the cia's not allowed to collect that stuff. there's a big difference between this and nsa program in the news lately. nsa collects that data, which is
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data on every phone call made by u.s. phone customers. this database that we're talking about is actually owned and operated by the at&t by the phone company and the cia asks when it has a number it's interested in asks at&t to look for it. >> what do the at&t spokes people and cia say about all of this. >> you know, they're very specific about their -- you know, essentially at&t says, in all cases, whenever any government entities anywhere seeks information from us we ensure that the request and our response are completely lawful and proper. they say like all th teleconproviders they charge governments for information provided and declined to comment in general on national security questions. cia says it upholds privacy rights of americans by making
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sure that intelligence collection activities are focused on acquiring foreign intelligence and counterintelligence in accordance with u.s. laws. as i said, cia's prohibited from operating inside the united states. they are only allowed to do intelligence collections outside. now whenever they do find a u.s. phone number on here, on the database, they are allowed to refer that to the fbi which can do its own domestic investigation if there's a terrorism concern, wolf. >> evan, thank you. evan perez reporting for us, appreciate it. more news in what's already been a banner year for gay rights propose point ents in the united states. another victory could come from the u.s. senate in a few minutes. but before all of the celebrating begins, the republican-led house of representatives is looming very large. we'll explain what's going on when we come back. anyone have occasional constipation,
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one of greatest nfl running backs of all times revealing a medical diagnosis he says hit him, quote, like a ton of bricks. hall of famer tony dorsett is in the early stages of cte, degenerative brain disease caused by repeated head injuries. symptoms include memory loss and depression. brian todd covering the story with us. i'm speak with tony dorsett in "the situation room" later today. tell us what's going on. >> he has been diagnosed with
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depression, with -- that's he's had thoughts of suicide, he's had memory loss, he's more short tempered than ever, prone to outbursts toward his wife and daughters. he's one of nine former nfl players that have gone through the special new test for early signs of what you've called cte, chronic traum platic encephalopathy. degenerative brain disease linked to head traumas in the nfl and other sports. some say these tests cannot be conducted very well on people who are still alive, that the only way to really test for cte is after you're dead and they can examine your brain. a new test they found a protein that is common in cte where they can kind of find that out while alive and in your brain. one of nine players who have undergone testing for that. he believe his may have symptoms
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associated with cte. >> he's in his late 50s? >> he'll turn 60 in april. >> what does the nfl say? >> i just got an e-mail back before i rushed to the set here. they're not commenting specifically on the dorsett case but say, for years now they've undertaken a meaningful commitment to improving the health of their players. one of the -- the statement they mailed me saying more than for more than two decades nfl's been a leader in addressing issue of head injuries. many dispute that, they say they drag their feet and deny the research. their commitment is unwavering, their committed to the health of all of their players. >> getting more of the stories. brett favre of the packers the other day says, he's what, 44, beginning to feel some of that. >> memory loss. >> from all of the hits and concussions. rule w you'll have more later? >> sure will. >> my interview with tony
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dorsett. tammy baldwin on an important anti-discriminatioant. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks.
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just minutes from now, an historic vote set to take place on the floor of the united states senate. it's a measure that would ban workplace discrimination based on second sexual orientation and gender identity. a similar bill failed 17 years
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ago. if it passes, it's expected to, it would be a major milestone in what's been a year of wins for gay rights advocates. but there's a catch. it will then go to the republican-led house of representatives where it potential lil could die. moments ago, the senate majority leader harry reid had this message for the house speaker, john boehner. speaker boehner, please, please do what is right for the american people. let's do this legislation. it is fair. this legislation's only about fairness. more than 80% of the american people already believe it's the law. so let's do it. >> joinings now, democratic senator, tammy baldwin, owns a piece of history herself as country's first openly gay united states senator. thanks very much for coming in. >> it's a delight to join you, wolf, thank you. >> it looks like, correct me if i'm wrong, all senate democrats will vote in favor of this legislation in the coming minutes, is that right?
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>> yes, it is. we have all of the democrats and now growing number of republicans. this is truly bipartisan legislation in the senate. you talked about the failure of the bill 17 years ago. that was failure on a simple majority. but it has pass the 60-vote threshold these days and it will. >> how many republicans will support the legislation? >> i'm thinking by the time all is said and done we could get up to nine or ten, that would be amazing. we certainly -- i would welcome any last-minute surprises. >> i'm hearing john mccain will vote in favor of the legislation. i assume you're hearing the same thing, right? >> you know, john mccain voted for cloture, the procedural vote that immediately preceded the one we're about to cast, he voted yes. i think that's a great sign. i hope that we'll see others follow suit. >> but it's got -- if it passes
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the senate, almost certainly will in the coming minutes, it's got a much tougher ride in the house of representatives which is republican controlled. what do you anticipate will happen there? >> well, you know, the issue is whether speaker boehner will bring it up for a vote. you know, during the government shutdown we kept saying to him, bring the funding resolution up for a vote. if you bring it for a vote, we know it will pass. i served in the house many years. my vote counts were pretty accurate back then. and i think that even today, if speaker boehner were to put this before the house of representatives, we would gain a bipartisan majority vote. but he has to do that for us. i'm calling on his courage and leadership to do so. >> you've heard all of the arguments made why this vote in favor is a bad idea. what's the most compelling argument that you've heard from the other side, do any of the arguments resonate in your mind? >> you know, the debate actually
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has been quite interesting in the u.s. senate. there was only one floor speech in opposition. there was a lot of negotiation that happened outside of the senate floor and it centered mainly on the issue of which religious organization should be exempt and how far should that exemption go? we did cast a couple of votes on amendments on that issue. but really, the opposition in the senate debate was really muted. and i think that reflects where the country is right now. you know, we aspire to be a little bit more equal, not less these days. >> so how does the -- if it becomes the law of the land, what about these religious organizations who believe that home hoe sexuality is a sin, how will they have to deal with it? >> well, they won't because that is the subject of the religious exemption in the employment nondiscrimination act. first amendment is clear. and it is adopted in specific
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statutory language that was negotiated with religious groups and with a bipartisan group of legislators who sponsors the -- sponsors the measure, including myself. >> in wisconsin your home state, this has been the law for a long time, right? >> wisconsin was the first state to offer employment >> and i would add that it was signed into law by a republican governor, lee sherman dreyfus. since then, a number of other states have come forward to pass these very important laws. but still, very significant population in the united states lacks these protections. >> has there been any serious problems over the past decades in wisconsin in implementing these anti-discrimination laws. >> there have not been, and an exhaustive review was done in the various states that have
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employment nondiscrimination acts orsimilar statutes on their books in order to guide us in drafting this federal legislation. i think we found by and larnl these are worked very well, and i would add it's important to have the substantive tools to fight against discrimination, but the symbolic statement is important, to say it's wrong to discriminate and every american deserves the opportunity to be judged on their work ethic, their skills, their qualifications for a job, and not extraneous factors. >> what does this legislation mean to you personally, senator? >> i have to say this has been a long, hard fight. i know from so many friends and former clients when i was an attorney practicing law, i know about the bitterness of discrimination and the employment setting and other settings. this is such a wonderful set and i'm very proud of my colleagues of both parties in the senate,
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and i think it's a powerful step forward for our country. >> senator tammy baldwin of wisconsin, senator, i know you have to rush off and vote. we'll see the roll call as it happens here on cnn. thanks very much. >> thank you. a u.s. marine corps veteran struggling with his transition out of the service takes matters into his own hands, finds a way to help himself and other vets ease into the civilian world. you'll meet him when we come back. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart.
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an idea to start his own company and employ only fellow vets. cnn photo journalist robert bikal brings us his story. >> we're a company full of veterans and veterans take pride in what they do. >> you wake up early in the morning and tride to get to it as early as possible depending on new york traffic. >> we get our mission listing, what we have to do for the day. >> going to williamsburg. >> what time does that job start, between 1:00 and 3:00, right? >> kind of like a military operation order. when you show up with a bunch of veterans, they pretty much know what they're getting. >> the discipline, everyone takes it to work with nem. >> for a lot of veterans coming back to the city, it's hard to get established and get your feet back on the ground. >> it took me four months to find a place to live. a lot of people are looking for a year of like work. so when you get out of the service, obviously, you're not
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getting a paycheck anymore. even though you might have $30,000 saved in a bank account, it doesn't matter. you have to have steady work. it takes a lot to sacrifice your time and energy to protect the government, the people of the land, and when you're here in the city, jobs are scarce. >> since you were in the service, there's no such thing as i'm going to stop and quit because i'm tired. >> we don't have bad traits that other moving companies have. everyone has their head on straight when they come to work. >> what more can you ask for? you work and now you're getting paid. and you're hanging out with your friends, pretty much. >> it's good work, what we do here. >> i'm going to go with this company, ride with it until the wheels fall or or until we explode and i don't have to be on the truck anymore. >> 99% of our clients are happy with us. we have been so lucky that we found a group of men who love what they do and they respect their clients. and the clients just love us.
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>> be sure to watch cnn's veterans in focus special that airs veterans' day, 2:30 eastern. you can read more veterans stories at good work. >> we end this hour with this. lady gaga's latest stunt will be out of this world, literally. ♪ >> "us weekly" reports lady gaga will blast off in a virgin galactic ship and sing in space in 2015. she'll have to prepare for a month to train her vocal cords. she will not confirm the rumors are true until november 10th. she does tease us with this tweet.
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#gaga in space 2015. so excited thinking about lady gaga in space. saw her in washington. she's amazing. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. in "the situation room." you'll see my interview with the nfl hall of famer tony dorsett talking ability his recent diagnosis. "ne "newsroom" continues now with brooke baldwin. doughnuts, cake, cookies. big news, the government looking to ban transfats in all foods, foods you love. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. a woman looking for help in the middle of the night, knocks on a door and is shot to death by the homeowner. we're on the case. a satellite expected to fall to earth soon, but no one knows where or when. plus, revealed. new videos from the gym where a teenager